Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a100 vs a700!!

from a100 to a700 between 2 years. Sony a100: the First DSLR for Sony taken over Konica Minolta. a700 a higher amateur DSLR for Sony alpha. It's not fair to compare a entry level with a amateur level but both of them are using different sensor. From the very begining, CCD and cmos in difference of picture quality n of coz the cost of the product. A700 have higher advantages in terms of DR, SSS, and ISO. But using cmos, i dun think it can be replaced CCD. Here is the test result from iso100 to 1600 (iso 800 and iso1600 it's very not fair to compare with) I have 2 picture with each iso to show the sharpness, color, noise, and brightness.

It's not fair to compare started at iso800 (sony a100 have the worst ISO in DSLR) for ISO800 and ISO 1600, it just a normal routine for DSLR nowadays(entry level have more n more improvement for ISO)

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